Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Grinch who stole Christmas

Christmas is the time of year where the rest of the world falls in love with snow, egg nog, lavishly large hot family dinners, daggy sweaters, romantic comedies and twinkly lights. It is utterly foreign to me and there is zero appeal.

My earliest memory of this forced institution involved me being trapped sitting on a sticky & sweaty lap of Santa who was wrapped in a red velvet suit. 40C with no air-conditioning makes for one stinky and scary Santa.

Pineapple Dazzle Art Alan Sailor Exploding Christmas Ornaments

Pineapple Dazzle Art Alan Sailor Exploding Christmas Ornaments
Yes, I am a Grinch. I dont put up decorations. I dont subscribe to buying a Christmas CD so I can listen to carols whilst driving my car. I hate wrapping 100's of presents. It does not give me Christmas Cheer. It is a waste of money, a stressful day and no matter how big a smile I plaster over my face I cannot wait for the 25th December to be over fast enough.

So it was with huge amounts of joy  when my eyes saw these lovely images by Alan Sailor, (thank you Expundit) . He has quite literally done what I've only ever dreamed of doing - vaporising Christmas into a billion little pieces.

Pineapple Dazzle Art Alan Sailor Exploding Christmas Ornaments

Pineapple Dazzle Art Alan Sailor Exploding Christmas Ornaments

Pineapple Dazzle Art Alan Sailor Exploding Christmas Ornaments

Check out the full list of images on Flickr.

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